Thread: Mileage?
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Old 02-02-2008, 04:49 AM   #30
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Re: Mileage?

I dunno what the 454 gets for mileage in the 76. I do know it drank gas like a camel at the only watering hole in the Sahara when it was in the 87 3/4 ton. 16 gallons to go 40 miles isnt good by any stretch.

What I can do is make some changes, rebuild the Qjet, and get everything working right, tune it, and see what it gets for mileage this summer. See how much I can squeeze out of a smogger 454 and 3.73 gears. I would do it now, but its cold out there, I am trying to pay off the bill on my 'race' engine repair, and still keep the house warm. But around May or June I can get plates for it, swap the cam, springs, and intake, then drive it for a while and see what it gets..

and of course let all of you know what works and what doesnt.
Too much stuff, too many projects to list everything.
my 454 urged 76 swb beater
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