Thread: starter wiring
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Old 02-02-2008, 10:53 AM   #9
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Re: starter wiring

There is usually a wire running from the alternator to the starter, to the same post as the wire that runs to the battery. Or, it may run from the alternator to a junction or splice, and then to the starter. That is going to be the wire that charges up the battery. The other wire should run from the ignition to a different post on the starter (a smaller one). If you are looking by the radiator and are looking at the starter, the battery/alternator wire would be at the top (or 12 o'clock) position. The ignition wire would be to the right (about 2 to 3 o'clock). Is that where the yellow wire is going? Or is it going to the other post, which would be on the left side of the battery wire (at about 9 o'clock)? That is a post you dont need anymore if you have an HEI distributor. I'm pretty sure about this, as I have been messing around with mine too. What I dont know is if you dont have an HEI distributor, is that third post at 9 o'clock a good one to run a wire to an electric choke to? Right now, I have my electric choke spliced into other wires, but if I could connect it there, that would be a cleaner solution.
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