Thread: need help
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Old 01-17-2003, 01:04 AM   #1
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need help

hi, i just turned 16 in may and decided to resotre a 67 chevy c-10 pickup. the truck has a small back window, a 350 engine, 4 spd tranny, and is a wood be truck. I have been paying for everything on the truck myself because i feel i will have a lot more prode if i can say that i did all of the stuff myself. anyways, i was just wondering if anyone had a 67 front pass. side panel that was rust free that they didnt need, or wanted to sell on a tight budget. If anyone does and doesnt need it, i would greatly appreciate the help. by the way, my plans are to put a new woodbed and strips in, a tonneu cover, paint it lime green, get a custom interior, do a mild engine build-up, and drop it(hopefully with air ride...if i work hard enough in the summer)

thank you


P.S. here is a pic of the truck when i first bought it.
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