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Old 01-17-2003, 08:41 AM   #11
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BOOOY , that sounds familiar, that is exactly what happened to me on CHRISTMAS morning. only one thing different. the case on my tranny busted. it was blamed on the U-JOINT and for good reason, one of the caps fell off. but when the tranny broke, alot of other things happened and broke also. MIKE is right dont drive it to much, it can hurt you or someone else. if it wernt CHRISTMAS morning there would have been more people on the road during my mis-hap and till this day , i shutter thinking about how nasty it could have been for me and others if they were on the road.

good luck, here is some of things that i have replaced sense the incident:
1.both motor (again) one of them was seperated, i dont know it it was caused by the tranny blowing but replace them they are easy and cheap.
2. the tranny mount, it was also replaced (again) because it was seperated also.
3. the flywheel, if you get the tranny worked on, replace the flywheel, they are only 40.00 bucks for a good one and why not for the peice of mind.
4. the harmonic balancer, that was changed due to a timing problem, but after changing it, it got rid of a vibration i didnt relize was there.

there aot of things that cause vibrations, all you can do is start checking them and replacing them as needed. i still am trying to locate a vibration but hhave not yet, i am thinking my is the carb or timing thing causing it. hopfullt i will find that today.

anyway, i just thought i would share my experience, maybe it will help or give you some other ideas.
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