alright. good news!
the shifter is fixed, and totally operable.
the little knob at the end of the lever just...broke off.
so, we welded it back on. and,...that was that, basically. lol.
unfortunately, i don't have any pics, since the batteries in my camera died out on me.
my parents decided to buy me a stereo set up. so, i'm now the proud owner of...well...this.
is it glamorous, fancy, or expensive? no. but! it's better than my awesome Sanyo cassette player, and single speaker zip tied to the floor mat. yeah, that was a kickin' system.
so, tomorrow, Dad and I plan on getting that thrown in to the ol' girl.
we built boxes tonight for the 6x9's, and are deliberating shoving the 2 6's in the stock location.
we;'ll see what happens. and i'll keep you all posted.