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Old 02-05-2008, 01:08 PM   #21
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Re: Shaved door help

I think that you may be a little mixed here. The shaved door situation is going to have solenoids to operate the latches UNLESS you create a cable or rod system that does not need solenoids to actuate the latch. What is needed for many shaved doors is a door popper to get the door to "KICK" open slightly so that the door will disengage from the latch. The standard way of doing smooth doors is to leave the factory installed latcha nd search for a solenoid with the right amount of power to pull the latch assembly. There are different size solenoids to handle sifferent design latches. The "Bear Claw" latches mentioned are a totally new set of latches installed into the door or door frame to allow for a better latching design and does not need a door popper to assist the dooor opening. My setup in the 68 truck is mounted into the door frame and the latches will have a solenoid to open, along with a cable backup to allow opening in emeergencies or just for normal use from the inside of the cab. I plan on mounting the latch handles in my console.

I once saw a guy that put latches on his rear door frame, but he put a rod down through the floor of the truck and he could operate the door with the tip of his shoe. If someone saw him do this, then they would know how to open his doors. Creativity is all over the map on this stuff.
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