Finally a beautful day in Central Missouri just before another Arctic blast tonight and tomorrow. Yesterday my brother comes by and hands me a bag and says here you go, I know you have been looking for one of these. I open the bag and it is A Q-Jet off of an early seventies buick that someone gave him. The throttle plate shafts are not loose and after some research I find it is off of a 400. Sweet I say. I did have to part with a toy he always has liked that I had on a shelf. Today I get up and head off to my favorite junkyard to see if I can find an old school manifold to put it on. My buddy says, I know there are a couple out there, check out the one on that engine that is sittin' on the ground out by that old one-ton. Bingo. No emission bs, just a good ol four barrel early intake. I bring it home after taking it off and clean it up. Yeah I had to do the Orange thing as after the high pressure car wash I see that is how it used to be. So far I have $25 in this venture. Now I got to go get that dual snorkel air cleaner my other buddy has no use for. I know everyone always talks about the truck with the Vette motor and I also have one. I did check the numbers and it is a 76 L44 engine that someone put a 2 barrel setup on and I just want to "wake It up" a bit. Here is what is going on this.
Getting rid of this POS set up