Thread: Welders!
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Old 02-12-2008, 09:16 AM   #119
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Re: Welders!

Well it`s a little late to ask now since I already bought it but what about the Matco auto Arc 140A? It`s suppost to be made by Miller for Matco. It`s alot more than I wanted to pay but I didn`t have the cash to buy one outright and I was able to put this on my Matco credit account. Here are the specs on it from Matco`s site,

Operates off 115 Volt standard household current for maximum versatility. 20 amp breaker.
Welds from 24 gauge to 1/4" in a single pass.
With an amperage output range of 25-140, easily handles a broad range of wires from mild steel, stainless and aluminium from .023 to .035 diameters and even gasless.
5 yr. Warranty on Transformer, 3 yr. on Electronics and 1 yr. on Torch.
Built-in contactor eases use and is an excellent safety feature which makes wire electrically "cold" when not welding.
Four output voltage settings with wire feed speed tracking provide quick and easy adjustment for different materials and thicknesses.
Welds with all wires including gasless on 2# & 10# spools.
Comes complete with 10' Miller Welding Gun, built-in gas valve, regulator and gas hose, power cord w/plug, 10 ft. work cable w/clamp, extra contact tips, sample spool of wire, weld set-up and parts info. chart, 8 in. wire spool adapter and owner's manual.

I want to be able to weld in body panels and some frame work like MII set ups, boxing frame rails and maybe 4 link set ups. I had a Lincoln weld pak 100 years ago and was able to box the frame on my old 57 chevy p/u that I put a MII set up on but it would`nt touch the 5/16" crossmember. I ended up using a borrowed stick welder to tack it in place and had a firend come over with a big 220V lincoln and finish it up.
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