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Old 02-13-2008, 10:30 PM   #4
high-Tech Red Neck
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Re: The Boss Hoss, 72 C/30, 454, DUALLY!

Originally Posted by 67_C-30 View Post
I have a set of 19.5's with simulators that have I have been toying around with putting on my '67 C-30. I would like to find a NV4500 for mine as well.
I actually scored when I got mine, I picked up the NV4500, Hydraulic cluth peddal and assembly/lines, drive shaft, and the 14 bolt out of the same truck a guy was parting out all for a grand. If you keep your eyes out there are more and more of them showing up out there all the time.

I need to do some heavy resarch though because from what I understand the NV4500 is limited to about 500 hp and 450 ft/lbs, that being the case my current 454 will be capable of shredding this transmission.

I have been watching your thread as well, I am going to be really interested to see how that 6.5 works out in your truck, Eventually in the Boss Hoss I want to stuff a Duramax in it, but that is going to be a little ways down the road, unless that is I get my hands on a Cummins 12 valve.

Does your truck have the H072 rear end?
"He used to be a pretty nice feller, now he's a welder!"
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