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Old 02-16-2008, 11:50 AM   #19
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Re: Engine Swap! NEED HELP FAST!

Originally Posted by nomad0231 View Post
How much is a crate engine and what exactly is one? And where is the best place to get them? Thanks so much for the help guys!
A crate engine is just what it sounds like--an engine in a crate/on a pallet that has been built/rebuilt and usually has a warranty. There are many different stages you can buy crate motors in. You can get a longblock, which is a built block with heads, cam and timing chain installed-that's it. You can also buy crate motors that have everything except the pulleys and alternator that are ready to drop in. It just depends on your budget. Swapping from a 6 to a v8, just keep in mind on the crate motor route you will need everything from carb to oilpan, all of the pulleys on the front of the motor and exhaust(headers/exh manifolds).
With this being stated, I still don't think I would buy the high mileage motor out of the Blazer. If the budget permits, a crate motor would be the best (although most expensive) way to go. That way you know exactly what you've got. On the other hand, if your budget is more like mine, keep looking, I'm sure a better deal will come along on a complete setup. Good luck in your hunt!
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