Re: Help get my wife off my back
I asked a count sheriff about the booster seats just the other day. But let me start at the beginning. One late night while scouring the net I found an article by the national highway safety council. The article was about Child booster seats and lap belts. according to the article when a child is in a wreck with just a lap belt they are much more likely to be injured if they are in a booster! The research came back as the best action if all the vehicle has is a lap belt is forget the booster seat! My question to the Sheriff was what should I do? I have not been driving my Cadillac as a family car because it doesn't have shoulder belts, and if I follow what the research says he would be writing me a ticket for no safety seats. He told me I need to get a print out of that article and keep it in my car, forget the booster seats and show the article to any officer that has a problem. He said the Sheriffs department wouldn't bother anyone unless the kids were up jumping around the car. Now this was just one cop and I haven't had the opportunity to check with all the other law enforcement around this area. In reality the booster seat laws are another area where legislation has gone crazy.