alrighty. well, today didn't go as smoothly as i had hoped.
simply because i was quite tenative on doing this, and since my dad has a pretty bad cold, i went slow.
but, i got the driveshaft unbolted from the rear, and the carrier bearing, and slid it out of the tranny.
unbolted the starter, the dust cover.
loosened the bellhousing/crossmember bolts.
pulled the tranny.
pulled the bell housing after fighting with a stupid sheet metal plate...thing.
pulled the pressure plate/clutch.
and...thats where we stopped for the day.
there's just one issue i'm not thrilled about.
they had a 10-10.5 inch clutch in there! someone...musst've been feeling adventurous.
yeah...she was worn a bit thin. just a bit.
but, aside from that, everything looks good. the pressure plate is even, and the little bit that i looked at the flywheel in the dark, it looks just fine, but i'll scuff it up good nonetheless.
and thats where she stands at the moment. a decent days work.
but now, i'm going to go shoot some billiards with some friends, and enjoy the rest of my weekend, after a horrendous valentines day/GF's birthday. so, i'll keep you all posted.
we're gonna slap 'er back together tomorrow, and i'm excited to actually be able to put power to 'er. it should be a good time, i tell ya!
and the planning for when it warms up is coming along swimmingly. yes...quite swell, indeed. bwahaha...