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Old 02-18-2008, 12:04 PM   #1
Bus Ted Knuckle
Son of a gun
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What do you use in your parts washer?

I have a big old parts washer that I dug out of storage and really want to use again. Used to use varsol back in the day, can you still get that? I can't seem to find it locally. I priced mineral spirits and about stroked out. Guy at the industrial supply tried to sell me degreaser like purple stuff or whatever, I thought I'd ask around before I put the $ down (and it will be an investment!).

What works the best for you guys?

I should add that this is the old chest type washer that you lift up the lid and you have a tub and a flexible faucet that the fluid comes out through. The whole thing sits on a 25 gallon metal drum.


Last edited by Bus Ted Knuckle; 02-18-2008 at 12:16 PM. Reason: more info
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