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Old 02-19-2008, 10:48 AM   #148
Big J
Its lookin' like a Blazer!
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Location: Gods Country, KY
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Re: "Slowly but Surely" Big J's build thread...

Originally Posted by jaros44sr View Post
Nice progress, you sure are ambitious. Sorry I overcharged on shipping, I made $4.00 profit on that deal Glad, I could help. Looks like you have enough matrl., if that's all the holes your filling
Brother I'm just thankful you had the material to spare, its greatly appreciated. I had the chance to get some for free awhile back but wasn't thinkin' about the inside bed floor and missed out, oh well its all good.....

I didn't get to spend the day workin' on the Blazer, instead I helped install one of those B & W flip over goose neck balls in the back of my uncles truck. It took awhile being that the inside of the bed was bowed down, lol.... Had to bend all that up to slip the rails in.... After that I had to take some pics of my cousins truck to put on Craigslist. Neat little truck its a straight axle YO lifted up on 35's. Then go over to my inlaws for a dinner. So after all that I got home and went back over to the garage.... I managed to get the front floor fitted and tacked in. Then I started cutting and plottin' on bed floor patches. I just cut the worst out for now and if I have any left I'll cut out the not so bad and replace it too..... One pic is pretty cool, Saluke decided to inspect my work, I gave him a cheesy cracker so it passed...
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