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Old 02-20-2008, 01:20 PM   #10
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Location: Chowchilla, Ca
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Re: Modifying Steering Column??

Well since I have read of a few wanting ot do this swap I thought I would post my finds here since no one seems to have any diagrams that I have been able to find yet.

I found a lock plater removal tool at the local parts place. I was able to talk them into letting me "borrow" it for a few days. Got my "new" column apart and replaced the lock cylinder with the one from the "old" column. This site helped A LOT.

Cleaned up the column and compared the wiring plug from the two columns. I think I can make the ignition switch wiring work for me as my ignition switch will be a looks only piece when I get the truck to a permanent place. (not sure which state uncle sam is having me go to yet)

There are three wires going to the dimmer switch on my floor and three to the dimmer switch on the coumn so a little testing should figure that one out. The NSS has two plugs and I could only see one on my column. Havent pulled it out yet though. And I am thinking that I can just plug in the turn signal connector. Not too sure on how to wire the wipers yet.

When I get more info I will have to write up exaclty how I spliced into the wires so that maybe someone lese wont have to go through that hair pulling that I am going through now. Will keep you guys updated
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