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Old 02-23-2008, 03:26 AM   #24
Sierra Grande Club
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Re: Screwed up: mixed oil question

Originally Posted by jay6891 View Post
I agree that putting it in the engine won't hurt anything. With it burning oil it won't me long before you have to add more and dilute even more.
For you guys putting it in your fuel on a diesel engine. I hope DOT don't stop ya. Off road fuel has a red tint to it. You put tranny fuild in yours and guess what? red tint. I have been pulled over and they tested my fuel. Red tint because of the same thing that you are doing. Big fine $$$$$. Kinda messing with the IRS, you are guilty until YOU prove other wise. Accused me of running off-road fuel in my truck. Told them what I did and they didn't care. 10 thousand dollar fine and a 1000 dollars per gallon I had in my possession. Had a fuel tank in the back. Had them send it to a lab and they tested it and everything was forgivin. Think they charged the company I was working for about 850.00 for the test though. Needless to say the company put out a memo-----DO NOT ADD TRANSMISSION FLUID TO DIESEL FUEL.
I don't know if regular hydraulic fluid will benefit a engine but it will get you past a red tint. My 2 cents and experience.
I was wondering abut that….How much ATF did you run in it?
1971 GMC Sierra Grande, 1/2 ton short wide, original 4 bolt 010 020 block & heads. (matching #'s). 383 stroker, SMI q jet 750 cfm, Lunati Voodoo 60102 cam, Scorpion roller rockers, Spin Tech pro street mufflers with X pipe.
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