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Old 02-23-2008, 08:50 AM   #1
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People who try to buy your truck

I was just wondering what people do when they ask you if your truck's for sale and you tell them it's not for sale. A few years ago after I had bought my 63 Chevy C10 some guy came up to me at work about a month or so after I had it and asked me what I wanted for it. I nicely told the guy it wasn't for sale and he was like, "Ah come on." After I told him again it wasn't for sale he started getting mad because I wouldn't sell it to him then he asked me with a tone, "Well then why are you driving it to work if you ain't gonna sell it?" I paused for a couple seconds and was just like, "Umm, because it's my daily driver and I like it." A couple months after that I had another guy walk up to me at work and asked if it was for sale and I told him no. He told me he'd give me $5,000 for it and I still said no. Then he told me, "I bet you if I took the money out and showed it to you I bet you'd sell it then." When he said that I was thinking, "I bet you I want", but instead of being rude with him I just politely told him no again. So what kind of stories have you guys got about people trying to buy your truck?
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