Originally Posted by krc400
Thanks. I live in Cincinnati Ohio and Blazers are super rare around here. I had one 18 years ago and I have only seen one or two driving around since. I accidentally came across this one on Craigslist while looking for a post of a 69 that I was interested in. It was probably more rare than the 72. It had a six cylinder, with single wall top, and no options! It was rusted badly throughout and needed a motor job as well. It sold for 1500. Just happened to scroll down when I saw this one for 2500. Got it for 2200, didn't realize it was a highlander because I had never heard of such a thing! I always wanted to have an orange one, so to find one in factory orange is like a needle in a haystack around here!
Welcome to the board, sweet find for sure.
As you've guessed already, one of the previous owners changed out the seat inserts.
Hope you can find the original orange plaid covers and keep it optioned as a Highlander.
One note though,
The 69 you mentioned wouldn't have had a single walled top from the factory, someone swapped it.
The top of the bedsides are quite different between the two. (single/double walled tops)