Re: People who try to buy your truck
Originally Posted by hilljob26
people are always asking if i will sell my truck,nobody wants to pay for it,they are all like,ill give you7500,or 9k,but im like shoot,if you want it,make me an offer i cant refuse,make me say wow,instaed of laughing in your face,the heck with it i guess
I think a lot of the time when people do that they are just jealous, the feel a prissy little need to shoot your truck down. I have run into that quite a few times. I really get it a lot from guys who are older than me, I am 26, and it would seem to me as through there is somthing that burns thier butt about seeing a "kid" driving a nice truck. Reguardless of weather or not I built it.
"He used to be a pretty nice feller, now he's a welder!"