Originally Posted by pissonNOS
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
That's what I do. Tell'em some price you know they'll never pay. This happned this past summer:
Beautiful summer afternoon, I'm waxing Pair-A-Dice in the driveway, when truck pulls up.
Guy on passenger side (Wifey's Driving) says: "Hi, I'm looking for a truck to give to my 16 year old Son, you wanna sell it"?
I said: "16!!??" After being insulted by this, I thought about it for a split second and said: "Sure, I'll even give you a one time only special price, hows that sound"?
He says: "Okay"
"$30,000.00 Cash"
He goes: "WHAT!!??" "You're F'in crazy, ain't no body gonna give you that much". Wifey goes: "what's it made of, GOLD"?
I said (Smiling of course): "No, it's made of MY Blood, MY Sweat, MY Tears and MY MONEY!" "If you want it that bad, then that's what it's gonna take to get it".
They drove off, he was cusin out the window. I just stood there smiled and waved.
I get asked all the time if I want to sell it and I always give them the same answer: $30,000.00 Cash and it's yours. Can't imagine why no one has taken me up on it?