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Old 02-24-2008, 12:40 AM   #33
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS View Post
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i
Be careful. Someday, one of those guys that somebody mentioned with more money than brains will come along and take you up on your offer, and you'll wish you had the truck instead of the money.

Money can;t buy the time and love you put into something. You can only put more time and love into another.

I had a guy offer me $20k cash for mine the first week I had it out of the shop. I was cruising down the strip in Gatlinburg, TN, and he (and his company with him) was dressed well enough to say that he had access to the money. I had to say no before I could think.

I have never given someone a price on it. If they ever wanted it bad enough, then they would have the truck, I couldn't go back on my word. Just saying it's not for sale does the trick.

I did have a girl offer me $11 for it the other night. It was all she had. That was cool.

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