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Old 02-24-2008, 08:42 AM   #8
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Re: Need help: How low can you go K5 4x4?

Wel their are several things you will need to consider with this. First is how stiff do you want it to ride? Reason is if you go much lower than stock you will run into problems with the front bottoming out on the frame or diff to oil pan. So what you would need to do is get stiffer shocks or smaller bump stops to keep from hitting as much. Now the first thing you should do is go out with a tape measure and see what you closest part is. I think it will be ether the axel to frame or diff to oil pan. So lets just say that the axel to frame is now 7" and you have a 2.5" lift on it now. So stock would be about 4.5" of clearance at stock height and for normal driving and road conditions I think you would want at least 3" minimum so you are not always bottoming it out. This means you could go another 1.5" below stock. So go out and find out how much room you have and bring that # back to the board and we can figure out the best way to get you their. Hope this all made sence.

LFD Inc.
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