Re: People who try to buy your truck
I could have sold my '72 for a bit of a profit if I didn't count the time I have in building it(Which I don't)............I actually seen the cash infront of my eyes but turned it down. Some days I think maybe I shoulda took it, but I can't buy a new truck that will work as good as that old one does for what I do, so I can't really put a price on it. I plan on rebuilding it a few more times and I am going to keep it as long as possible. Things like a 4spd, manual t-case and manual hubs so you can use 4 Lo in 2wd for a super low reverse speed for backing farm equipment just isn't possible with any new truck so I almost have to keep it around reguardless of what someone offers me.
Could have sold my '69 GMC 1-ton t-tag for over double what I have in it numerous times, again, I can't replace it with the same setup unless I build it or spec it out new, so it stays.
'72 K-20 EFI'ed 250 Inline/4spd stake body, Farm Truck
'71 C-20 Cummins Diesel Powered, In storage thanks to $5.00 diesel!
'69 3500 GMC 305V-6/4spd, Still under reconstruction..........
Inlines Rule! 6 soldiers standing is better than 8 laying down!!!!!!!!