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Old 01-20-2003, 09:11 PM   #8
mike reeh
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: san diego, ca
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mmkay I was originally going to mount the amps under my seat but there is NO room for them. I think its different for 4WD trucks because my friend with a '73 C20 mounted them under the seat fine. That where I got the idea. I had the seat out and everything and then found out it was a NO-GO. Kind of irritated me but them I used some self tapping sheet metal screws and screwed them to the back panel of the cab. worked out really well and looks good and is real secure, and easy to ground. Plus I can fiddle with the amp controls too.

To fit the sub box behind my seat I had to scoot it forward a few inches and its really annoying. I will have to build a sub box that fits with the seat all the way back.

youre saying MDF is more sturdy than CDX plywood? Like half inch CDX is pretty strong stuff. Plus I can get all I want free. But it seems that ALL speaker boxes are MDF. I dont see how it would be better. I think that the sturdier/harder the material, the better it would be for the box. maybe it is better, i dunno. just seems a little wierd.

Ill take some pics and show yall what I got tonite, if I have time..

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