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Old 02-28-2008, 12:45 AM   #11
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Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by pcorriveau951 View Post
jugernot, Very nice job on install the sound deading material, stuff can be a pain to put on over the trans tunnel, great work look awesome. One recommendation, if you still have any second skin left, i would recommend doing the area where your sub enclosure is going to go, that way you have full sound insulation and it will also help your system sound better in the end. If you already have why not, and also put some inside the sub enclosure after you build it.
That is what im doing when i do mine, easier to do it once then have to take it apart again.
Thanks. I was thinking that it would cut down on the vibration between the enclosure and the back wall. I was also holding off on putting it there just in case I screwed up making the enclosure.

Do you have any thoughts on your enclosure (pics). I have never made one and like wiring, I'm a little apprehensive. I'm not even sure what size speakers or amp I will be using. I had a link to a web site dedicated to fiberglass, but it is on my other computer that crashed.
Project Name: LEMON DROP. Reconstruction started "December 2000". Projected completion date "Who knows"
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