The inspector was a truck fan, and he noticed it right off the bat. Made me replace them too.
I will say though...leegal or not, most officers would not cite you for trying to improve the safety, and even more officers or inspectors would not even catch it.
I took them out, and never thought about re-installing them. I know the accident I was in was not a typical collision, however, if I had a 3 point harness...I woulda had a back injyry. (my legs and also upper body were thrown twards the center of the dash.) I was wearing the lap belt, but if I had the 3 point in there, it woulda twisted me enough to cause real damage.
I sold them to a kid with a 72 and 6 months later he came back complaining about his failed state inspection...he went to the smae guy i went to.
Talk about dumb luck huh?