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Old 03-04-2008, 05:53 AM   #13
go cyclones
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Re: Project Build Log: Ol Green

Well as promised here are some pitures. It seems as though I am doing more sculpting than cleaning. The engine cleaned up pretty well, but the transfer case is another story. It's like there is cement on it. those thirty years as an Arizone park truck must of built up a dirt/oil mix that rivals any epoxy.

I also posted a picture of the transmission just to show how bad it was. Luckly I am going with a 700R4 so that doesn't need to be cleaned right away.

As I mentioned before the engine cleaned up pretty nice. I am going to paint that tomorrow.

The last picture is the first load of powder coating heading to the coaters. Everything except for the starter, needed that for the core charge.

Thats all for now
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1972 Blazer 4X4 350/700R4
2017 Silverado LT
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