I had my 79 worked on by a shad tree body man about 8 years ago. I really wonder if the money I gave him went for supplies or weed, but anywho..
I needed to have the rockers, corners and one fender replaced at the time. I purchased the cheapest stuff I could, College students never have cash LOL.
So I am finding out now that I am swapping the cheap fender for a GM repro that the lower lip that aligns with the rocker, well doesn't line up. He seemed to have bent the rocker to match the line on the cheapo fender. and this is what I am up against now.
any words of wisdom? I am thinking at this point, with out looking at it to hard, should I slit the inner rocker and bend it down to match the fender and add to the inner rocker?
OR cut it all out and start over?