Thread: rear end seal?
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Old 05-20-2002, 10:57 PM   #2
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Very close
Remove the wheel's, remove the axle, remove the self locking wheel bearing nut (you will need a socket for this), Slide the drum/rotor off and access the seal from the back side. This seal housing is very tough and can be a pain to remove if you dont have a slide hammer with a screw tip.
NOTE: When installing the new seal, pay close attention to the markings on the seal, federal mogule seals for instance will tell you OIL SIDE. Be sure you install this correctly or it will damage the seal on install. Put the drum/rotor back on, install the outter wheel bearing and nut. using the socket again, turn the nut until the racheting stops, install axle and check the fluid level in the differential.

Hope this helps.. Good luck

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