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Old 03-07-2008, 09:19 AM   #14
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Re: lest see them lowerd trucks

I dunno, I quite clearly see that I gave him a link to a 4-5 page thread full of info and pictures, which has within it links to even more pictures and info -- Including a link to the notch page in the FAQ that you were visiting That seems like an answer to his request AND a simple suggestion. Nobody got rude until you huffed in here to dump your attitude on everyone.

Look. I don't want to be as rude to you as you were to me, so I'll tell it like it is:

Dozens of new people come here every day asking the same questions. There can be a post at the very top of the list that's five minutes old, with a title in all caps that says HOW TO INSTALL A C-NOTCH WITH PICTURES. Lo and behold, here comes someone five minutes later starting a new thread titled "Installing a notch ????!??!" which asks for pictures and instructions on how to install a notch.

I've seen members sign up here at the forum and literally, within 10 minutes of signing up, they post a dozen new threads asking things that already have half a dozen FAQ pages written up on them - this literally happens daily, several times per day. For those of us who genuinely try to sit here and help people out, as many of us do, it is VERY frustrating to weed through the repeat questions day in and day out. I don't expect you to know this, because you're a new member here, but I'll tell you, it happens.

It wouldn't normally be bad, but it is a hundred times worse when someone doesn't even bother learning about the forum, its sub-forums, the features such as "search" - and I don't care how well versed you are with the internet, you should know this - every forum has a SEARCH feature, and you are expected to use it and at least do 3-4 hours of your own research before coming out and asking someone boldfaced for an answer. At least look for a thread that is related to your question and bump it to the top to ask your question, so it's consolidated for the next guy.

NEVER expect the forum to be all about YOU and YOUR question. It's a community. The community doesn't revolve around you. We all benefit from everyone following the same rules, ettiquette and general procedure.

It is typically considered absolutely inexcusibly rude and disrespectful to come into any forum anywhere on the web and post questions asking everyone else to do your legwork for you.

So, I guess I can summarize this quite quickly now that I've typed a few paragraphs:

Whether or not the original poster intended to make everyone do his/her legwork, that is the way it came across.

What the original poster did is generally considered piss-poor ettiquette on nearly ever forum I've ever been to.

These guys here will bend over backwards to help you out, but only if you show them some common deceny and respect first - and coming into a forum asking/expecting everyone to go dig through archives of photos to show you pictures of slammed vehicles when there are already half a dozen such threads in every sub-year forum (and the "Projects and builds" forums) is NOT the way to do that.

To boot, regardless of your personal experience in the world of custom vehicles, signing onto a forum and making your first post an attack on a well-respected, contributing member of said forum is not exactly getting things off on the right foot.

I do hope you enjoy your stay.

I did leave you negative feedback, because I feel like your attitude and approach is absolutely uncalled for and not aligned with the general coolness of the majority of the folks here at the forum.

I hope that you understand, take it maturely, and try to be cool in the future.
If I've got anything up for grabs, it'll be here: 7-hole gauge cluster for a 67-72 p/u FREE (link)

I can't check the forum daily. If I don't reply to you within 24 hours, drop me a PM! I'm (hopefully) still alive and will reply faster to a PM.

Last edited by shifty; 03-07-2008 at 09:26 AM.
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