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Old 01-22-2003, 12:00 AM   #1
Garage Queen Material
Join Date: Oct 2002
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OMG!!! idiot drivers!

lil' G almost got in a wreck tonight!

about 10 minutes ago, i was coming home from taking angie home, and i'm exiting the highway. there is a nice yellow bmw M3 in front of me, and a white dodge(?) truck in front of it.

well, we are all rolling down the off-ramp when we see headlights coming our way, so we all pull to the side of the road QUICKLY and i had to slam on my brakes while a little white 4 door car speeds up the off ramp in the wrong direction! he came about 4 feet from me, i'm supprised my dumbo ears didnt hit him:p

i looked back and he just kept going and then his lights dimmed as he went further onto the highway in the wrong direction!
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