Thread: good acc. wire?
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Old 03-09-2008, 09:39 PM   #1
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good acc. wire?

Well, im going through my trucks wiring issues, ive noticed alot of things on constant hot, so what ive decided to do is to run a junction block, and run all my accessories off of that. So my question is which wire should i use that will run all my accessoires on key-on hot. I was thinking about using a wire from the fuse block, but i really dont want to run the risk of blowing a fuse. Heres what i want to run to the juction block : Tach, Radio, volt gauge, satellite radio, fuel switch solenoid and maybe some other things that have escaped my mind. Im looking for a wire that has plenty of juice, i'll probably put a fuseable link on it, for extra protection.
any ideas?
1976 Red chevy steppy,

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