03-10-2008, 06:12 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Spring, Texas
Posts: 207
Re: good acc. wire?
Originally Posted by BoeJaker1976
Well, im going through my trucks wiring issues, ive noticed alot of things on constant hot, so what ive decided to do is to run a junction block, and run all my accessories off of that. So my question is which wire should i use that will run all my accessoires on key-on hot. I was thinking about using a wire from the fuse block, but i really dont want to run the risk of blowing a fuse. Heres what i want to run to the juction block : Tach, Radio, volt gauge, satellite radio, fuel switch solenoid and maybe some other things that have escaped my mind. Im looking for a wire that has plenty of juice, i'll probably put a fuseable link on it, for extra protection.
any ideas?
The brown one at the ignition switch will work just fine.