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Old 03-10-2008, 09:27 PM   #144
Still livin the "dream" in '54
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Re: '67 step-side replacement rear bumper

A little update. I got the rear transmission crossmember built, painted and installed. I slid in my driveshaft and got a measurement of how much needs to be shortened. 2 1/2 inches by my calculations. I will take it over to the machine shop Monday. I also got my starter in and hooked up. I made sure the 700 was in park and hit the key really quick.... She wants to start.

I also got my 283 (I pulled it out of my 3/4 ton '68 parts truck. I'm still in therapy on this one, didn't the 307 replace the 283 in '68??? It's a 283 based on the block numbers) on a stand and I will start tearing it down this next week to see all that I will need to order for the rebuild. With the way gas prices are going, I want to build this motor as a gas saver as much as possible. High performance yes, but a gas saver as well. The 305 that is in there now is way more power than I need for crusing, so I'm sure the 283 will be a good motor. I posted a pic of the crossmember and the "new" engine.

I started getting my rear wiring hooked up so I can have taillights again. Not too much longer boys....

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Current build. 1954 Chevrolet 3800 "Ella" SOLD!

My '67 stepper "Tangerine Dream"

"Anything worth doing is worth doing right" James Dean

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Sherlock Holmes

"There is no spoon." Neo

Last edited by Richard8971; 03-10-2008 at 10:07 PM.
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