Emergency Road Test!!!
Well this weekend was an experience...it started out with me and my two freind Jason and Adam working on Adams 91 ford ranger.
He wanted to install an opened up lower manifold and 19lb fuel injectors to get it ready to run a Nitrous kit. Well....after removing and replacing...which entailed taking out the distributer. I MARKED IT RIGHT....so I thought. We couln't get his truck started. we started working on it at about 11am on saturday and didn't finish until 3:30am sunday morning....LOTS OF WORK FOR US NOVICES...so it didn't start....we knew it was the timeing....and me with only minor timeing experience couldn't get it back.....CRAP....4 in the morning on Sunday and both Jason and adam had to get back home which was 45 miles in San Marcos TX (From San Antonio) away for work. AND THEY ONLY BROUGHT THE TRUCK THEY WERE WORKING ON!!! So..I was like well...I gotta get you all home.
Fired up "RUSTY" and prayed this LONG road test wouldn't end up in a busted engine. It was great....it was the best feeling ever...even though it was 25 degrees and no heater and holes in my floor board!!!!! So rusty stayed constant at about 180-190 degrees and at about 45 PSI......all the way. We got to San Marcos, luckily I live in San Marcos so I slept till 11am on sunday and took rusty back. All was good until I stopped on the freeway heading back to San Antonio.....more later I have class!!!!!!