Thread: rocker+22's=?
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Old 03-12-2008, 04:36 AM   #45
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Re: rocker+22's=?

Well I got a little done this weekend, but I left my camera in the trunk off my wife's show car that is in storage again. Even with the new control arms, there wasn't enough room for the rack, so I ordered a 6 1/4 super street dampner. I now have plenty of clearance for the rack, but the mounting points fall above both inside lower control arm bolts. The steering shaft also looks like it is going to hit the driver's side motor mount. The rack is a thunderbird rack, but I don't remember the year. Seams like it was a 93 or 97. There is 15 7/16" center to center on the mounting ears. I am going to have to buy another rack and was wondering if any of ya'll might know of a rack that would work better, as far as mounting points and steering mounting angle? I may end up having to get a rack built by unisteer. If I do that, I may go with a right hand drive rack. The only thing stoping me on the RHD rack, is the clutch & brakes. I was planing on running a kuegel under dash unit to shave the firewall completely smooth, but wouldn't be able to with RHD and power brakes. Any help or ideas on the rack would be appreciated. Since I couldn't get the rack to work, I started building the floorboard. I didn't get a whole lot done on the floor, but I'll try and get some pics up soon.
Trey Oney

Last edited by bagged01extcab; 03-12-2008 at 04:38 AM.
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