Electric fans?
Anyone else running electric fans on their truck? I have a goofy symptom that I'm working my way through. I fixed a problem yesterday where I had torched a fusible link and only one of my fans was kicking on. Now (and maybe before too) it seems like the fans kick on when it's pretty hot (just over 220, but my temp gauge) and kick off again pretty quick, like within a few seconds.
I'm troubleshooting now is my cooling fan system, and I've fixed all the way back to my thermostat that feeds power to the relay to turn on my fans. I disconnected the thermostat and jumped a wire from the battery to the terminal on the relay side and the fans kicked on fine and stayed on for a long time. The other side of the circuit goes underneath my dash to the fuse panel.
My questions -
1.) What are yall using for a thermostat? I'd like to have them kick on a lot lower than they do now, but they used to kick on pretty low, like 210 or so. I think maybe my thermostat isn't as effective as it used to be.
2.) How is your thermostat placed? Mine looks like a meat thermometer and it sticks through the radiator fins at the upper driver's side of the radiator. Is there a better place to position this thing so that it works a bit more accurately?
Thanks in advance for the help.