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Old 05-21-2002, 11:11 AM   #7
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
Posts: 2,690

Try using a small allen wrenhc in the hole. It is much stronger, and will not make your finger bleed when you get p*ssed and press real hard.

'69 G.M.C. 350/350. Trying to clean up the left over damage from the Dope-Smokin-Old-Man
I've been dubbed the Longhorn Freak/Fanatic/Expert, I just hope I can live up to it.
FINALLY got the HORNIAC...a '70 one ton Longhorn with a Pontiac 350/350 and lots of 'personality'. Check out The Longhorn Webite.
My name is Andy...not Randy...I'm in Ohio...Not Illinois...close enough?
Columbus Ohio

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