Originally Posted by Chevyman63
I know what you mean!
Yep, I love different... The next thing to be a little different is a fuel filler door out of a late model 1/2 ton Chevy truck.
I talked to a very smart man at Hobart today and he told me what might be wrong with my mig. He said, "release the lock off the feed, lay the gun out straight from the welder, and pull the wire out with your thumb and pointer finger.... if ya can't then you have the drum to tight." Well I had the drum just a wee bit too tight. I loosened it up a little, and was just able to pull the wire out. It welds perfectly now... I don't know why it just started goofing up but oh well, its all good. It was doing better the other day but now it rocks, lol.... While I had it out I welded up the trim holes in the passenger bedside. Got something done anyways....