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Old 01-22-2003, 10:31 PM   #56
rayville body
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: rayville,LA
Posts: 226
i call mine "ole blue"! it was dark blue when i bought it, then became "the rainbow"(white,black,lite blue,2 shades of yellow,and 2 shades of grey). then went to a light silverish blue and earned the "ole blue" name back. got it torn down to the frame at this point. gonna paint it blue pearl metallic and put a big sticker on the back window "OLE BLUE"!!!!!!!! i have never called it a bad name in the past 6yrs i've owned it even though i've went through 8 motors and 4 trannys. although my wife calls it "the biggest piece of sh*t she has ever seen or rode in she is gettin into the resto with me! i guess i'm training her right?! lol
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