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Old 03-15-2008, 08:21 AM   #186
Big J
Its lookin' like a Blazer!
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Re: "Slowly but Surely" Big J's build thread...

I figured someone was going to give me a hard time. Thats what happens when you work on your truck too much neglecting your other past times.... For those that can't see the light, lol... (now thats funny right there, you can take that two ways... can't see the light, lol) here is another pic.... Went to talk to a paint man, he's gonna teach me everything he knows. In the couple hours we B.S.'d he seems to know alot. All kinds of paint and body stuff. I've been wanting to paint my own stuff but was kinda skeered I think I'll be doing it myself after talking to this feller.
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