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Old 03-15-2008, 08:23 AM   #9
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Re: Need Help With Air Ride System!

Originally Posted by 1974k5blazer View Post
took off the plug you were talking about with the screw on top! and switched to the other one to see, if it was bad, and it did the same thing! i checked the plug and it didn't look pulled out it still had all three connections in there! im stumped, but that doesn't take much cuz i don't have too much experience with these, how much are those mass magnet things? i wouldn't even know where to find them?
Ok, lets back up here. Grab a test light, and check to see if you have power to the valve when you throw the switch. You could have something as simple as a loose connection at the valve, switchbox, etc. If no power, follow your wiring back to the switch. See if you have power there when you throw the switch, if not, check the other side of the switch to see if you have any power at all! I'm not trying to put down your skill level of troubleshooting, I just thought it would be easier to begin with the basics.

If you need a valve and solenoid coil, you can get one here:

Let me know how it goes!

Last edited by PrerunnerRob; 03-15-2008 at 08:25 AM.
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