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Old 03-16-2008, 10:18 AM   #153
Still livin the "dream" in '54
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Re: '67 step-side replacement rear bumper

Originally Posted by Richard8971 View Post
it looks like it will be a pretty stress-free install.
I never thought I would be quoting myself but, did I say it would be a pretty stress-free install????

First off, the push rod in the S-10 booster isn't long enough to reach the brake pedal. So I dry fit the booster and put in my old push rod and measured where they would need to be cut for proper length. Sence the old rod was thicker than the new rod, I drilled a hole in the old rod to accept the S-10 booster rod. I then welded the two together and now I can safely bolt up the booster using my existing hardware... everyone got that???

Second, there are some "braces" in the firewall that are in the way of where the S-10 booster needs to bolt into... What a pain in the...

You know? My manual brakes worked just fine. What is it in us that forces us to modify, change and "improve" our belongings, esp our rides, despite the fact that it will require alot of money, time and headache from us? It just doesn't add up...

Hope you enjoy the pics....


PS. Did I mention my truck was running again???
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Current build. 1954 Chevrolet 3800 "Ella" SOLD!

My '67 stepper "Tangerine Dream"

"Anything worth doing is worth doing right" James Dean

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Sherlock Holmes

"There is no spoon." Neo

Last edited by Richard8971; 03-17-2008 at 06:34 AM.
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