Originally Posted by jamie72
i hope your at least going to claen that light up a little, going to look kinda out of place with all that new paint...imho i think the hardest part of paint is shooting it..get the gun set right, then practice... i got a couple you can paint for me, i won`t charge you too much..lol
Originally Posted by Huck
toughest part of painting--is the prep and the patience to let stuff setup right. I can't do either!! My body work looks like chunky peanut butter spred with a spoon. My paint--either fish eyes, runs, oversprey, moisture, too cold, too hot, wrong primer, etc. etc.
I think I like primer!!
I ain't skeered, for now anyways, lol.... Maybe when I see the runs, fish eyes and overspray

Some more rust fixed today. Knockin' some stuff out this weekend. Hope to knock a bunch more out tomorrow!!!