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Old 03-21-2008, 10:47 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Posts: 111
Re: F/S Misc used small parts.

Stonewall , sorry for the wait, last 2 days were full of "drop everything and go do......" kind of days. $4 each shipped to 76033.

BurnoutNova - next on emblems.

Houp , anything in particular?

Tsetsaf , I'l check tomorrow on shipping. . It is stamped RH , looks like the only diff. is a small slot punched out on one side. this one was painted silver inside.

Myoldchevy: Not sure if it is from car or truck. About 10.5" end to end , about 3" offset . I will post better photos tomorrow. anyway , if you can use it, You can have it for shipping cost , cuz it's just sitting in the garage.

Next week , more junk , I mean great parts will be listed when I move the Buick out the way and get to the other misc. chevy boxes.
1987 GMC heavy half Shortwide-GONE
1971 LWB 350/350-GONE
1972 Buick Skylark (80K orig. miles,one family owned)
2002 Currie Phat Flyer (Pit Vehicle) STOLEN

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