Thread: 67 C-10?
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Old 05-16-2002, 01:55 AM   #6
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Posts: 14

Thanks for the replies!

Maybe she really is a GMC but then she has a Chevy's front fenders and hood (Looks just like a Chevy). It's a possibility because she has been customized quite much by the guys is Florida.

Yep the VIN plate was on the left door pillar but as you can already guess there was no option sticker left on the glove box door. Is there any special features in a GMC when compared in a Chevy?

This is what I managed to find out from the doors plate (I used 67-69 GMC Model number Codes ->

C=2 wheel drive
S=Six cylinder gas
1=½ ton
OD=Wide Side

I just joined here yesterday and I don't really know much about these trucks - this is my first adventure to the world of trucks.

THANKS FOR THE GOOD SITE AND OF COURSE THANK YOU ALL for helping the unknowing foreigner!

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