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Old 03-22-2008, 05:04 PM   #17
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Re: K5/jimmy Shopping

Good luck on your search. I'm in Sleepy Eye and found two jimmys at junkyards, enough parts to put one together. Everything you find in this area that has not already been restored is rusted, BAD. But don't let that stop you, almost every part is available through vendors on this board. If you travel to bring one back that is in better condition, you'll find there is less rust, but still rusted and will still need a lot of the same repairs.

But accoording to the pics you have and the price, it's definitely a good buy. Try to get as many other parts as the guy has. If there is stuff laying in the weeds or behind the barn, ask to see it and load it all up. If you end up not using them, sell them here or elsewhere for more parts money, you'll need it.

I'll be in Albert Lea tuesday, wheres that blazer at again?
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