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Old 01-24-2003, 01:45 AM   #14
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Colorado
Posts: 57

Hey... I know how confusing it can be to decide what you want to do . But you have to look at the whole picture. How much are you willing to put into this truck? One important thing is to see what kind of tranny you are using... if it is going to be the stock or if you are buying a 700r4 or what. With that in mind what kind of engine do you want to build? (more torque or horsepower or speed) And like I said before; it is all about the money...all of us on the board have all the time in the world to work on our trucks but what is your buget. If you want to get away cheap with a nice running motor and keep the stock tranny you could get away with rebuilding both for about $550. But if you are like every other 16 year old just like me... you want performance, speed, you want it all. But work with what you have and plan it. You can blue print your engine or write down what you want and talk to and engine builder (who ever it may be?). I would truely suggest seeing what you have got though first. Like has you engine been worked on or bored out, or anything at all that will change maybe what you want to do with it...So good luck and welcome to the Board!!!

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