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Old 03-25-2008, 12:44 AM   #1
so easy a caveman can do it...
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Posts: 419
Easter, nuts, bolts & ham (progress pics) neighbor came over and we put the back half of the truck together. I got my father (overalls) and my brother (dreadlocks) to help out as well. It went pretty smooth...about 2 hours to get it all put back together. Here's a list of materials/parts I used:

*various wire wheel attatchments, 60 grit flap disks, Eastwoods Rust Encapsulator, Eastwoods Satin Chassis black paint.

*Springs ceramic coated (endurashine) figured wth. I want to use this local company for other parts on this truck and wanted to try them out. I wanted a cast iron color, but that silver was baked at a lower temp (around 350-400 i think) and I didn't want to overheat the springs,

*Rancho RS9000 shocks (9-way adjustable)

*Grade 8 bolts mostly

*Sweat and a little bit of blood.

It's time for the front half of the truck now. I wanted to start on it today, but with Easter this was all we could get done. Good day overall!

My build thread
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