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Old 03-27-2008, 03:28 AM   #1
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Found My 55 cab today

Having had my nose to the ground looking and asking around for a 55-59 cab I finally came across one today. The guy I talked to about it just got back from borrowing to get a load of water. Yes I said a load of water. It is a 6400 series flatbed. He put one of his water tanks on the back to take to his house in the sticks. He was asking me about where to find a 3/4 ton Ford or Dodge and I said I hadn't been looking but was looking for the old CHevy. It has a small block and 4 speed with 2 speed rear axle. I don't really want all that but just the cab. Somewhere near 700 will buy it. It is licensed and titled. He said that it had the V shaped speedo so I assume it is the later 55. I gotta see it in person and am very excited just to have found it. I will keep you in touch with a pic when I lay eyes on it. David
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